It really was meaningless I know... NO problem at all. I just like to rib wilheim occassionally as I know that sometimes I'm right about his moving the threads and so I throw that out to annoy him (in a good way...if there is such a thing, but in a good way.) wilheim is just so very serious/businesslike and I do like him a lot so one way I show that is I give him a smallish hard time. I hope I never really bother him, but I wouldn't mind if he shook his fist in my direction on the occassion. Strangely, that is how I say, "wilheim, you are a good fellow." Maybe it's a need for attention that I never got from my father and wilheim certainly is a father figure.
Thus my new term: wilheimed verb;
1. To wantonly move subject matter from one place to another without rhyme or reason. usage: "I had a thread up in OFFSHORE on 'What are we having for dinner tonight' and it was wilheimed."
2. To have an unhealthy aversion to silly posts and off the topic threads (wilheiming.)
3. To rigorously avoid bathing (archaic)